The process of files getting corrupted resulting from some hardware or software failure is called data corruption and this is among the main problems which Internet hosting companies face since the larger a hard disk drive is and the more information is kept on it, the more likely it is for data to get corrupted. There're various fail-safes, yet often the information becomes damaged silently, so neither the file system, nor the administrators see a thing. Consequently, a damaged file will be treated as a regular one and if the HDD is a part of a RAID, that particular file will be copied on all other drives. In principle, this is done for redundancy, but in reality the damage will get worse. Once a given file gets damaged, it will be partly or entirely unreadable, so a text file will not be readable, an image file will present a random combination of colors in case it opens at all and an archive shall be impossible to unpack, and you risk losing your content. Although the most widely used server file systems feature various checks, they quite often fail to discover a problem early enough or require a long time period to be able to check all files and the web hosting server will not be operational for the time being.

No Data Corruption & Data Integrity in Cloud Website Hosting

We've tackled the issue of silent data corruption on all of our cloud website hosting servers by using the hi-tech Z file system, or ZFS. The latter is superior to other file systems because it is the only one in existence that checks all the files immediately by employing a checksum - a digital identifier which is unique for every single file. When you upload content to your account, it will be stored on several NVMe drives and regularly synced between them for redundancy. ZFS regularly examines the checksum of all files and in the event that any file is detected as damaged, it's replaced instantly with a good copy from some other disk. As this happens in real time, there's no risk that a damaged file may remain or may be duplicated on the other NVMes. ZFS needs a lot of physical memory in order to perform the real-time checks and the advantage of our cloud web hosting platform is that we work with multiple powerful servers working together. If you host your websites with us, your information will be intact no matter what.

No Data Corruption & Data Integrity in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Your semi-dedicated hosting account will be resistant to silent data corruption as all of our storage servers employ the state-of-the-art ZFS file system. What makes the aforementioned unique is that it employs checksums, or digital identifiers, in order to guarantee the integrity of each file. When you upload content to your account, it'll be saved on several redundant drives employed in a RAID i.e. the files shall be the same across all disk drives. All copies of a given file will feature the same checksum on all hard disks and ZFS will compare the checksums of the duplicates in real time, so if it identifies a mismatch, which would indicate that one of the copies is damaged, it will replace that file with a good copy from one of the other drives. Even if there's an unexpected power failure, the data on the servers will not become corrupted and there will not be any need for a time-consuming system check that other file systems perform after some malfunction, lengthening the time needed for the server to go back online. ZFS is the file system which can truly protect your content from silent data corruption.